King's College London

Data and R Code supporting the journal article "Estimation of temperature-dependent growth profiles for the assessment of time of hatching in forensic entomology"

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posted on 2022-11-10, 14:46 authored by Davide PigoliDavide Pigoli, John Aston, Frédéric Ferraty, Anjali Mazumder, Cameron Richards, Martin Hall

R Code and Data to replicate the analysis and the simulation studies in the paper 

"Estimation of temperature-dependent growth profiles for the assessment of time of hatching in forensic entomology" 

by D. Pigoli, J.A.D. Aston, F. Ferraty, A. Mazumder, C. Richards and M.H. Hall. 

The code has been tested with R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10).

The R folder contains the following:

- growth_function.R : R functions used in the analysis and simulations.

- plots.R : R code to replicate the main plots in the paper.

- simulation.R : R code for the simulation studies described in the paper and supplementary material.

- simulation_ADH.R: R code for the comparison via simulations of the proposed method with Accumulated Degrees Hour method.

The ID303 folder:

- ID303.R : R script for the analysis of the first case study in the paper.

- ID303 - obs_lengths.csv : crime scene data for the first case study.

- ID303_suitcase.csv : temperature time series for the first case study.

- length_data.csv : developmental data for C. vicina.

The ID307 folder:

- ID307.R : R script for the analysis of the second case study in the paper.

- observed_vomitoria.csv : crime scene data for the second case study in the paper.

- temp_crime_scene.csv : time series of temperature at the crime scene.

- temp_weather_station.csv : time series of temperature at the closest weather station.

- data_vomitoria.csv : developmental data for C. vomitoria.

- C. vomitoria Length data.xls: Experimental data for Accumulated Degree Hours at different lenghts for C.vomitoria.


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D. Pigoli, J.A.D. Aston, F. Ferraty, A. Mazumder, C. Richards and M.H. Hall.

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    Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences



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