King's College London

Do members of the public think they should use lateral flow tests (LFT) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests when they have COVID-19-like symptoms? The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses study

posted on 2024-01-24, 17:07 authored by Louise SmithLouise Smith, James RubinJames Rubin

Objectives: This study aimed to investigate public use of lateral flow tests (LFT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests when experiencing key COVID-19 symptoms.

Study design: In this study, data from two waves of a cross-sectional nationally representative online survey (data collected 1 and 2 June, and 14 and 15 June 2021; n = 3665 adults aged ≥18 years living in England or Scotland) were used.

Methods: We report data investigating which type of test, if any, the public think Government guidance asks people to use if they have COVID-19 symptoms. In people with key COVID-19 symptoms (high temperature / fever; new, continuous cough; loss of sense of smell; loss of taste), we also describe the uptake of testing, if any.

Results: Ten percent of respondents thought Government guidance stated that they should take an LFT if symptomatic, whereas 18% of people thought that they should take a PCR test; 60% of people thought they should take both types of test (12% did not select either option). In people who were symptomatic, 32% reported taking a test to confirm whether they had COVID-19. Of these, 53% reported taking a PCR test and 44% reported taking an LFT.

Conclusions: Despite Government guidance stating that anyone with key COVID-19 symptoms should complete a PCR test, a significant percentage of the population use LFT tests when symptomatic. Communications should emphasise the superiority of, and need for, PCR tests in people with symptoms.


Evaluating and improving communication with the public during a pandemic, using rapid turn around telephone surveys

NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

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Department of Health and Social Care


Geospatial coverage

England and Scotland

Data collection from date


Data collection to date


Collection method

Online survey. Participants were eligible to take part if they lived in the UK and were aged 16 years or older. Participants were recruited from two specialist research panel providers (Respondi, n=50,000; Savanta, n=31,500) using quota sampling (age and gender combined, and region). These are people who have signed up to take part in online surveys. Consent was implied by participants’ completion of the survey, as is the industry standard. Data were collected in line with the terms and conditions that people agreed to when signing up to be a member of the research panel.

Usage metrics

    Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience


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