Eating Disorder Clinician Perspective of Early Intervention for Eating Disorder Questionnaire Data file. Data supporting: Clinician Perspectives of the Implementation of an Early Intervention Service for Eating Disorders in England: A Mixed Method Study (2024, Journal of Eating Disorders)
The quantitative data in this file evaluated clinicians attitudes towards early intervention for eating disorder and their views on factors that can impact the implementation of early intervention for eating disorders (factors outlined by the Normalisation Process Theory).
The participants in the study were clinicians preparing to or already implementing an early intervention for eating disorders service referred to as First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED). The clinicians worked in 31 different eating disorders service in England. Participants included doctors, psychologists, nurses, therapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, social workers, support workers, administrative and managerial staff.
The participants in the study completed a questionnaire pack immediate before (Time 1), immediately after (Time 2) and three months after (Time 3) the 1-day in-depth FREED training. The data in the file relate to two questionnaires collected in that questionnaire pack at the three time points. These questionnaires are an attitudes towards early intervention for eating disorders questionnaire and the Normalization MeAsure Development (NoMAD) questionnaire, which measures Normalisation Process Theory mechanisms.