King's College London

Intention to adhere to test, trace, and isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic (the COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses study)

posted on 2024-01-24, 17:09 authored by Louise SmithLouise Smith, James RubinJames Rubin

Objectives: (1) To investigate factors associated with intention to self-isolate, request a test, and share details of close contacts when required. (2) To determine whether associations were stronger during periods when less stringent national COVID-19 restrictions were in place.

Design: Series of cross-sectional nationally representative surveys. We selected survey waves where different national restrictions were in place in England (first lockdown, summer release, second lockdown, third lockdown).

Methods: We investigated whether psychological factors and increased out-of-home activity in the last week were associated with intention to self-isolate and request a test if you were to develop COVID-19 symptoms, and intention to share details of contacts if you were to test positive. We also investigated whether the strength of associations differed by timepoint in the pandemic.

Results: Intention to self-isolate, request a test and share details of contacts were associated with greater perceived risk of COVID-19 to people in the United Kingdom, knowing that COVID-19 transmission can be asymptomatic, and agreeing that personal behaviour has an impact on COVID-19 transmission. There were few differences in strength of associations by timepoint suggesting these effects are broadly stable over time.

Conclusions: Psychological factors were associated with intention to adhere to key components of the contact tracing system; there was no evidence for an association with increased out-of-home activity. Messages that increase knowledge that COVID-19 can be transmitted even if someone does not have symptoms and that an individual’s actions can contribute to the spread of the virus may promote engagement with the test, trace, and isolate system.


Evaluating and improving communication with the public during a pandemic, using rapid turn around telephone surveys

NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

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Department of Health and Social Care


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Collection method

Online survey. Participants were eligible to take part if they lived in the UK and were aged 16 years or older. Participants were recruited from two specialist research panel providers (Respondi, n=50,000; Savanta, n=31,500) using quota sampling (age and gender combined, and region). These are people who have signed up to take part in online surveys. Consent was implied by participants’ completion of the survey, as is the industry standard. Data were collected in line with the terms and conditions that people agreed to when signing up to be a member of the research panel.

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