King's College London

Summary statistics from - 'A genome-wide association meta-analysis of prognostic outcomes following cognitive behavioural therapy in individuals with anxiety and depressive disorders'

posted on 2021-09-13, 18:33 authored by Christopher Rayner, Thalia Eley, Gerome Breen
GWAS summary statistics. Phenotype: symptoms following cognitive behavioural therapy Sample 1: Adults with anxiety disorders (n=972) Sample 2: Adults with major depressive disorder (n=832) Sample 3: Children with anxiety disorders (n=920) Sample 4: Meta-analysis sample (n=2,724) Geo/Spatial Coverage:

for 'cbt_outcomes_gwa_meta_analysis_metal_results.txt' all participants were of White Western European ancestry (2019)

for 'cbt_outcomes_adult_anx_loco_mlma_results.txt' data were collected from participants of White Western European ancestry from Germany or Sweden (2015)

for 'cbt_outcomes_adult_mdd_loco_mlma_results.txt' data were collected from participants of White Western European ancestry from Sweden (2018)

for 'cbt_outcomes_child_anx_loco_mlma_results.txt' data were collected from participants of White Western European ancestry from eleven sites across Europe, USA and Australia (2015)

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Collaborative project: Association Psychotherapy Panic: subprojects of the University of Dresden,

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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Collaborative project: Association Psychotherapy Panic: Subprojects of the University of Greifswald

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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Swedish Research Council (K2013-61P-22168)

Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation

Fondation Peters

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

A multi-site study of the genetics of child anxiety and predictors of treatment response

Medical Research Council

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Environmental and genetic risk factors for anxiety disorders in children

Australian Research Council

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A stepped care approach for the management of childhood anxiety disorders: A randomised controlled trial

National Health and Medical Research Council

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Enhancing efficacy of bibliotherapy for rural children with anxiety disorders using child-therapist contact

National Health and Medical Research Council

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Enhancing efficacy of cognitive behavioural treatment for children with anxiety disorders: Treating parent anxiety.

National Health and Medical Research Council

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TrygFonden grant (7-10-1391)

Christiansens Fond grant (21-5675)

Swiss National Science Foundation grant (105314-116517)

Mapping and treatment - anxiety in children and adults

Western Norway Regional Health Authority

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UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Fellowship (G0802821)

NIMH R01 (MH079943)

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National Institute for Health Research

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The Treatment of Child Anxiety Disorder in Primary Care via Guided CBT Self-Help: A Feasibility Study

National Institute for Health Research

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UK Medical Research Council grants (09-800-17), (G0802326), (G1002011), (G0601874)


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Rayner, Christopher - King's College London; Eley, Thalia - King's College London; Breen, Gerome - King’s College London

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    Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience



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